Lindsey Way from Mindless Self Indulgence

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I went to a magic wonderland today and visited a fairy-goth princess. Lindsey Way invited me to her castle-like-home perched high in the hills of Los Angeles. I didn’t think such existed, but it does. For those of you not familiar with L.A., it consists of mostly sitting in traffic staring at long lines of brake lights, while hoping, no… praying, that you reach a nice destination. Most of the time, however, those destinations are a reflection of promises made through magazines, with little bearing on reality.

So it was a real treat to visit her home.

As I stepped inside I felt that I’d left reality altogether. Like Snow White, squirrels and birds came to visit with Lindsey as we sat and talked about life. And summing the grand wizard, her husband, Gerard stepped out of his tower on the high mount for a few brief moments before returning to his alchemy.

The afternoon progressed too quickly, but it gave me a brief moment to poke around in Lindsey’s mind and see what makes her tick. She has both the heart of an artist and the practicality of a mother. She strikes me as someone who shoots for the moon, but is happy with the clouds.

I feel like I made a friend that day. I hope you enjoy her as much as I did.

Without further ado, Lindsey Way…

Q: What is your favorite sandwich and who makes the best one?

Peanut butter and jelly. It’s always good. I make the best one.

Q: What is your favorite meal your mom makes?

Oh…you know. Lasagna. Anything with butter or gravy is what she was really good at. Laughs…

Q: How did you meet your best friend?

I met her in elementary school, in 4th th grade. Talked to her today, actually.

Q: When or how did you find what you wanted to do?

Well, for art – it was something I always knew. It didn’t really think about it. I realized I wanted to go to art school as I got older. While at school I started playing bass and I got in a band and then music took over for a long time. Art was always my first love, music was secondary. Not that I don’t love music. Art is my right hand and music is my left. I don’t want to be without one, but if I had to make a choice, then cut off the left.

Q: How did you pursue it?

Art: I went to college, and for music: I lied. My roommate got a drum kit and I had a bass guitar. She went to CBGB’S and bragged how we had a great band. Mindless had their last show there with their old bass player. Their manager asked Asshole Dave, the doorman, who might be a good fill-in bass player. He recommended me, so I got a call from their manager, who gave me one of their CDs when he came to my art show. Jamie Hewlit, one of my favorite artists, did the album art, so I figured how bad could they be? I had to quickly learn three songs for an audition and I didn’t know how to play bass. So a friend of mine came over to show me what tab was and taught me. I dedicated every waking moment to learning. It was a really defining moment in my life. I learned that if you really work your ass off and work really hard at something, you will get.

I showed up to the audition unsure of my abilities, but determined to land the gig, so I stuffed a film canister with Bacardi 151. When the ten second break came in the song, Tornado, I ripped the matches out of my hair and blew fire all over the room. I nearly caught Jimmy, the singer, on fire. I got the gig!

Q: Did you have a mentor/mentors in pursuing it? Who were they and what did they do for you?

Not necessarily. I got a lot of help from my band. They knew I was full of shit, but they supported me.

Q: What do you dream of doing or are you doing it? If so then what is the goal?

I dream of writing a book and I am starting to do it. I also dream of setting up a working apothecary where I make tea and tinctures for people. I’d also like my art to be in a museum one day.

Q: What would your 15-year-old self say to you now?

Come here, baby. Let me give you a hug.   

Q: If life were a person what would you say?

Oh God. It depends on what day. You know…thank you. I’ve had an amazing life. I never dreamed that I would have these experiences. I don’t know how I stepped into it all, but I’m eternally grateful for it.

Q:  If you were in charge of the world and you have no restrictions, real or imagined, what is the one thing you would give it?

Oh Lordy. Universal healthcare. Access to food health and medicine … and education.

Q: Has morality disintegrated to the point that we now need Yelp for people?

Hahaha…well, that’s the thing, because mother-fuckers lie on Yelp all the time. I wouldn’t use it. I get a good read on people by looking at them in the face.

Q: How is society getting things right?

Oh boy…. the whole Trump experience has been positive, because it pulled up the rock and all the roaches came out. And it’s definitely illuminated problems that have always been there. And people that are working at it are doing just that. I never cared about politics until now, and that’s sad. There’s always been corruption, but now it’s so obvious. I’m hopeful because so many wonderful people are fighting. I’m hopeful good bad-ass-bitches out there fighting outnumber the racist sexist assholes that are lurking in Trump’s corner.

Q:  What do people need in order to see each other as equals?

More empathy, wisdom, and life experience.

Q: Do we still need religion?

Hell yeah…

Q: Do you have hope for the future?

I do. I think Trump will burn shit down … you know, how like forest fires burn everything down and when the trees grow back, it’s three times more lush and beautiful. I think that’s what’s happening now.

Q: What are three things that work for you: For example, I can’t find a good razor. Because of an excessive requirement for massive profits I find that many products don’t live up their advertising. What works for you?

Feeding squirrels. I highly recommend feeding squirrels.

More thought-provoking questions

1:  Do Americans have the right to complain about immigration?

{Chuckles}…no this country is built on immigrants.

2: If our value system is based on scarcity then what of a human life, now that the population is in the billions?

Good question. I don’t know. Over population is a son of a bitch, but I have a feeling that there is going to be a planet or two in our future.

3: Would life be easier if racism were accurate? (This is a question to get you thinking about racism. Often ideas of race are talked about as an absolute truth.)

Yes, of course, but it’s not accurate at all.

4: What would you like to see written about you on your gravestone?

Oh…she did it! SHE WON!

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